Industry leading commercial UAV specialist Ely Aviation has recently been chosen to work with the Cranfield University. Cranfield is a world renowned post graduate university, which aims to be a UK Centre of Excellence for unmanned systems
Managing Directory and Senior Remote Pilot Ian Titchener said ‘We are delighted to have been selected to work with such a prestigious educational institution. We are looking forward to leveraging all of the skills that we have within our organisation to assist Cranfield with the many and varied projects they have in the pipeline’
EA is currently working with Pete McCarthy Senior Lecturer of the Human Factors and Accident investigation team to develop training and research in safety, to support Accident Investigation including Air, Rail Marine and other High-Reliability Sector accidents and incidents. EA also recently supported another Cranfield University project involving the capture of aerial imaging for research into driverless vehicles.
Ely Aviation was launched in 2017 and over the past two years has grown rapidly to become one of the industries leading organisations. With wide-ranging clients that include Channel 4 and the Press Association. EA has become the go-to organisation for advanced aerial imaging solutions.
